20 Photos of What Christmas Looked Like in the 1990s
Daniel Bonfiglio
'90s kids were the first generation to get well and truly "spoiled." It didn't matter who you were, if your family had any sort of comfort, you can bet that stocking was stuffed. Not to mention what was under the tree.
Nintendos, PlayStations, Nerf guns and the lot; if you wanted it, you were getting it.
So the next time someone complains about this "entitled" generation, let's just remember the parents, and holiday, that made them this way.
Here are 20 photos to remind you what Christmas looked like in the 1990s.
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1. The Best Present
Christmas in the 1990s. -
2. Family Photo
A ‘90s Christmas. -
3. Fun for Everyone
Christmas in the late 90s. -
4. Old World Trade Center
During the Christmas Season, 1995. -
5. That’s the Stuff
Early ‘90s Christmas. -
6. Enough Gifts?
Christmas morning, 1990s. -
7. A Busy Mall
The week before Christmas. -
8. Big Family Photo
Christmas, 1990. -
9. Taliban Delegation
Visiting Sugar Land, Texas. Christmas, 1997. -
10. Christmas Morning in the ‘90s
Plus a mullet. -
11. “My Dad”
“Showing his platoon pictures of me, his newborn baby. Iraq, 1990. The xmas tree is made from 1990s era "send Christmas cards to soldiers" from kids in schools.” -
12. Super NES
On Christmas, 1990. -
13. Unwrapping a PlayStation for Christmas
Pure joy, 1990s. -
14. “My Dad”
Christmas morning in the early 90s. -
15. Fully Stocked
Christmas in the ‘90s. -
16. “My Sister and I”
Christmas morning, 1997. -
17. Parents Watch Out!
Christmas morning, 1992. -
18. Post Santa
A living room in 1997. -
19. A Very 90s Christmas
In the year 1997. -
20. The Monorail at Midtown Plaza Mall
Christmas in the ‘90s.
- 20 Photos of What Christmas Looked Like in the 1990s
- 20 Photos of What Winter Looked Like in the 1970s
The Best Present
Christmas in the 1990s.
Christmas in the 1990s.