
17 Pics Reminding You Why Deep Frying a Turkey Can Ruin Your Life

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, there's a good chance you or someone in your family is stressed about cooking a turkey. I'm no chef, but if I can offer one word of advice it's this; don't deep-fry it. 

If you've ever worked in a McDonald's you'll know that never, under any circumstances, should you put ice in the french fry fryer. Why? Well since oil boils hotter than water, any H20 boils instantly and can displace oil from the fryer if it boils over. 

That exact same principle applies to a frozen turkey dipped in boiling oil... except the displaced oil can easily ignite and the whole works goes up in flames. 

Every year, fire departments demonstrate the kind of damage an improperly fried turkey can do, yet every year, dummies around the country try their hand at frying one; and the results are worse than just a burnt bird.

Here are 17 flaming photos reminding you not to deep-fry your turkey this Thanksgiving. 

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