
Mankind's Storied Past: 22 Utterly Intriguing Photos that Tell Our Story

There are plenty of iconic historical photos that you've definitely seen before, but these are almost as cool, and way more obscure. While the majority of these pics deal with war history, there are a couple of cool snapshots featuring less well-known events from peacetime. For instance, have you ever heard of Gustaf Håkansson?

I bet you haven't, but in 1951, the 61-year-old unofficially entered into a bicycle race around Sweden. That's almost 1,100 miles worth of cycling, for a man considered too old in comparison to his much more junior competitors. However, after breaking "sleep time" rules in place for the competitors' safety, Gustaf ended up beating the entire field by over a day. Unsurprisingly, the Swede would live to be 101 years old and regularly rode his bike until a year before his death. 

We all know about the Wright brothers, but who was the first man to fly a plane over in Europe? Three years after the Ohio natives accomplished man's first flight, Brazilian aeronaut Alberto Santos-Dumont lifted off near Paris. The flight only traveled about 60 meters, but it was enough. Check out that photo, and plenty more in this gallery of fun history pics you've probably never seen. 

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