
21 Harmless April Fools Pranks to Fool Your Significant Other

April Fool's Day is one of those awkward semi-holidays that feels too weird to celebrate, but too big to ignore. Pranks are also much more annoying than most people give them credit for, especially when you actually have important things to do on a workday. But if you still feel like getting into the spirit of the day with your partner, there are ways to do it. These 21 people shared the pranks they have pulled – or are planning to pull – on their significant others that won't inconvenience them too much, or make them sad. 

One dad described the plank he and his five-year-old son are planning on their bug-scared mom. After shouting that he has found a massive bug, the son will run to his mother to show it to her, while holding a raisin in a napkin. The moment she gets a look at it, he will eat the raisin. If that wife is anything like the bug-scared people I know, the harmless prank will surely give her a freight for a moment - plus a good laugh for the son and the dad. 

See that, and many other fun harmless pranks for this April Fool's Day. 

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