The internet is full of witty people, wanna-be comedians, and genuinely funny folks. Any time you post on social media, leave a response to a comment, or voice your opinion on a story or post, you run the risk of opening yourself up to reply. Most of the time people tend to stay on topic and usually offer useful information. That is not always the case however as there are always keyboard warriors, skeptics, and of course, the run-of-the-mill trolls just standing by to deliver some spicey reply or savage comeback.
Check out this batch of funny pics where people had the perfect burn, clever comment, or even a roast on deck and were just waiting for the perfect opportunity to drop it. So take a few minutes and scroll your way through these funny comments and replies that if nothing else, definitely hit their mark!
Even tier 1 celebrities aren't immune to feeling the wrath of a well timed comment!
This is an example of something being funny because it's true.
There's a zero chance this guy is going to regret these decisions when he's older...
This one stung a little bit.