One of the limits of the human experience is that we can only be in one place at a time. If we want to check out some of the coolest stuff around the world at any given moment, either we have to move ourselves, or we have to use our handy tools, namely the internet.
These 22 fascinating photos should give you a nice little excerpt of cool happenings around the globe, and for the moments you're clicking through them, they're for your eyes only.
Orca’s more menacing relative: The False Killer Whale.
The polar explorer Peter Freuchen with his partner, 1947.
This is Sarco, a 3D-printed life-ending pod that uses nitrogen hypoxia to end the life of the person inside in under 30 seconds after pressing the button inside.
Yacare caiman who is about to feast on its buddy.
Gabriel Medina at the Olympics after riding a nearly perfect wave.
Koshu pink grapes from Japan.
Man holding a large wolf eel caught on a fishing boat. Believe it or not, these pose no threat to humans.
The Treasury Warrant that proves Russia sold Alaska to the US in 1867 for $7.2 million, equivalent to $129 million in 2023.
Jesse Owens saluting during the medal ceremony after defeating Germany's Luz Long at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
France center Victor Wembanyama, 7'4, and Japan guard Yuki Togashi, 5'4, at the Olympics.
37 million year old Whale Skeleton fossil found in wadi al hitan, Egyptian desert.
Auroville is an experimental township, the purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity in diversity. India, Tamilnadu.
A shark accidentally drew a shark while tracked via GPS.
This artificial heart has been successfully implanted into a human for the first time.
Fish in China reacting to one of the largest rainstorms in 73 years.
Alice Coachman is the first Black woman to win an Olympic gold medal at the 1948 Summer Olympics in London.
Map of real fires going on as of three days ago.
There is a zipline that allows you to cross the Spanish-Portuguese border. Once you cross the border, you will travel one hour into the past due to different time zones.
At 20 cm x 5 cm, the Lloyds Bank coprolite is the largest piece of fossilized human feces ever found. It was laid by a Viking who ate only meat and bread and was riddled with parasites. In 2003, it broke into three pieces after being dropped and had to be reconstructed.
Over 100,000 thousand images of the sun taken by Reddit user u/ajamesmccarthy.
Drone show at San Diego Comic Con.