In 1973, a British couple survived for 118 days at sea in an inflatable raft, drinking rainwater, and eating fish and turtles. Maurice and Maralyn Bailey were finally found by a fishing boat, at which point each had lost significant weight, and neither could properly stand. The news misreported their experience by one day, claiming they'd only been stranded for 117 days, and both Maurice and Maralyn became vegetarians after recovering.
Check out a hopefully-staged photo of them on their life raft, and much more in this collection of fascinating photos.
Luigi Lineri, collector of River Stones.
The Bioluminescent Waves of Vaadhoo Island.
This is Christopher Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin’s 62-year-old son. Charlie was 73 when Christopher was born.
Maurice and Maralyn Bailey were a British married couple who, in 1973, survived for 118 days on a rubber raft in the Pacific Ocean after their boat sank when it was struck by a whale. To survive, they collected rain water and ate creatures such as turtles, seabirds, and fish.
Sun dog phenomenon captured in Norway.
Indian men and women won gold in the chess team Olympiad for the first time.
200-year-old message in a bottle left by archaeologist discovered in France.
A 12-year-old Ethiopian girl who was abducted and beaten by men trying to force her into a marriage was found being guarded by three lions who apparently had chased off her captors.
In 2019, during a coordinated attack on civilians in the Westlands District of Nairobi, Kenya, this unidentified British SAS operator, who happened to be in Kenya to conduct training, rushed in to help, escorting groups of hostages, carrying wounded civilians, and killing two of the five attackers.
FedEx plane landing without its nose gear in Turkey.
Sunflowers are used as cleanup agents near disaster sites of nuclear power plant.
A baby tardigrade riding a nematode.
The remains of the superheavy booster flown during starship flight 4.
A crossbreed between a cow and a bison is called a Beefalo.
My artificial right ankle, with surgical screws in my heel.
Mini gardens on top of bus stops in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
At a depth of 3.3 kilometers, they found an eight-meter squid called Magnapinna. It was first seen in 1907, and since then only 20 sightings of the species have been recorded.
The Aquamen are part of the French theater group "Machtiern." They are known for wandering around with fish bowls on their heads containing live fish.
100 million years ago in the Cretaceous period, in Myanmar, two different ant species had a disagreement, a bygone battle made eternal when they froze in time in Burmese Amber.
The Wittelsbach Diamond, a 35 carat blue diamond of internally flawless clarity.