22 Iconic Behind The Scenes Photos You Might Have Missed
Carly Tennes
While we may be ever-familiar with our favorite films, TV shows and music videos — who among us hasn't seen Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette roughly 76 times? — a whole lot went into making the work we've come to know, love and watch time and time again.
From Pennywise taking a smoke break to the cast of Star Wars enjoying the dunes of Tatooine, here are 22 cool movie, TV and music video BTS photos you may not have seen.
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1. “Jeff Bridges & Sam Elliot take time for a selfie on set of Big Lebowski-1998.”
2. “Behind the scenes.”
3. “Gandalf checks his emails (behind the scenes of The Hobbit)”
4. “Stan Lee on the set of the first 'Avengers' film”
5. “Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo on the set of ‘Super Mario Bros’ (1993)”
6. “Waiting on set during Monty Python and the Holy Grail”
7. “Jon Bernthal, Logan Lerman, Shia LaBeouf and Brad Pitt on set of ‘Fury’, 2014.”
8. “Tim Curry as Pennywise, taking a break on set.”
9. “Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin on the set of NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN (2007).”
10. “On the set of the film ‘Predator’ 1987.”
11. “Mark Hamill on set wearing Carrie Fisher’s robe.”
12. “Pictures from behind the scenes of 'Freaks and Geeks' (1999)”
13. “Steve Martin and John Candy behind the scenes in Planes, Trains and Automobiles, 1987.”
14. “Star Wars Behind the Scenes”
15. “Behind the scenes of Queen’s ‘I Want to Break Free’ music video”
16. “Behind the scenes photo of Hook”
17. “Kurt Russell on set of The Thing (1982)”
18. “Elijah Wood and Macaulay Culkin on set of The Good Son (1993).”
19. “Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze on set of Point Break, 1991”
20. “Behind the scenes of 'The Squid Game'”
21. “Tony Sirico and James Gandolfini on set filming their last scene together”
22. “Heath Ledger and his on-set assistant, Nathan Holmes, during filming of ‘The Dark Knight’”
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“Jeff Bridges & Sam Elliot take time for a selfie on set of Big Lebowski-1998.”