24 People and Their Actions That Got Them Labeled as 'The Crazy Neighbor'
Sometimes the most critical determining factor as to whether or not you like your new house is something unknowable, and out of your control; your neighbors.
Published 4 months ago in Funny
Sometimes the most critical determining factor as to whether or not you like your new house is something unknowable, and out of your control; your neighbors.
Neighbors can be wonderful people who welcome you into a community and make living in your neighborhood a comfort, or they can make your life a total nightmare. But even the best neighborhoods have a rotten apple, someone who makes things harder for the rest of the street, and is known along the entire block as "the crazy one." These 24 people all shared the stories of their own neighborhood's "crazy one."
One person described their dirty neighbor and his ten dogs, which he fed by bringing home roadkill. The dogs were allowed to roam free, and often terrorized children in the neighborhood, but there wasn't much anyone could do. Fines meant nothing to somebody with no money to pay him, and authorities were unwilling to actually arrest him.
At least he didn't steal, which plenty of other people on this list did. Who knew that plants are a prime target for thievery? It's doesn't take long to notice that your favorite flowers are now in your neighbor's yard.