24 Times When Companies Should Have Used a Proof-Reader
Satan Claus is coming to town.
Published 7 months ago in Facepalm
English is a famously tricky language to master. The fact that "Wednesday" "Bologna" and "February" are all spelled like that. The entire existence of double negatives. How "there" "their" and "they're" are all three different words ... and if you dare confuse them, a smug fedora-clad Redditor will come to your house and attack you with a katana.
But even with these common pitfalls — ones even native English speakers struggle with from time to time — several brave language learners persist, doing their damndest to get their point across with the tools they have ... whether or not they actually work for the task at hand.
From giving shoplifters the death penalty to leaving cookies and milk out for Satan Claus, here are 24 products and signs that almost knew what they were talking about.