25 Photos of What Life Looked Like in 1925
Daniel Bonfiglio
If you look smack dab the middle of the roaring 1920s, you'll find the year 1925.
Despite existing at the height of prohibition, 1925 was a year for throwing on a non-revealing bathing suit, heading down to the beach, and laying in the Sun while smoking a nice pipe.
Things were good, and they were staying that way - for four years.
Check out these 25 photos of what life looked like in the year 1925.
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1. A Man Changing a Tire
Florida, 1925. -
2. John T. Scopes
Brought to trial in Dayton, Tennessee for teaching the theory of evolution, which was prohibited under state law. July 10, 1925. -
3. Times Square
Busy in 1925. -
4. The Duke of York
Later King George VI of Great Britain, on a slide at the Wembley exhibition, England. 1925. -
5. KKK Members
On a ferris wheel, 1925. -
6. Miss America Contestants
Miss Bronx is named Edith Higgins, 1925. -
7. Miriam "Ma" Ferguson’s Inaugural Address
Texas's first female governor, in the house chamber, January, 1925. -
8. Helen of Many Glacier Hotel
A Native American telephone and switchboard operator in Montana, 1925. -
9. Little Girl and Three Owls
Sweden, 1925. -
10. Man Wearing Traditional Kiribati Armor
Oceania, 1925. -
11. Melted and Damaged Mannequins
The aftermath of a fire at Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum in London, 1925. -
12. British Tourists In Egypt
On top of the Kheops Pyramid, 1925. -
13. Tibetan Skeleton Dancers
Autochrome taken by Joseph Rock in 1925. -
14. Fritz Lang
On the set of “Metropolis,” 1925. -
15. Ernest Hemingway In a Bull Fight
To the right of the bull in a hat and white pants. Pamplona, Spain, 1925. -
16. The Slums
Amsterdam's Jewish Quarter, 1925. -
17. A Tsam Mask Dance
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 1925. -
18. NYC Traffic Cop
Stopping traffic so that a mother cat can cross with her kitten. 1925. -
19. Immigrant Family at Ellis Island
Looking at New York's skyline, 1925. -
20. Office Christmas Party
Getting wild with coworkers in 1925. -
21. A Mugshot
William Stanley Moore, 1925. -
22. A Bathing Beauty Pageant
Contestants on Huntington Beach, California, 1925. -
23. The Charlie Birger Gang
Known for bootlegging and the chasing of the KKK out of Williamson County. Illinois, 1925. -
24. Woman and Her Sewing Machine
Working in 1925. -
25. High Up
A photo of a photographer taking a photo of New York City. 1925.
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A Man Changing a Tire
Florida, 1925.
Florida, 1925.