26 Photos Of What Life Looked Like In 1955
Daniel Bonfiglio
1955 saw the start of the civil rights movement, public acknowledgment of the Cold War, and the invention of the microwave oven. (Each event of equal importance.)
World War II was fully in the rear view mirror, and America was ready to completely embrace its freedom-loving, anti-communist imperialist identity.
Here are 25 photos showing what life looked like in 1955.
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1. A Dude and His Bike
Looking cool in 1955. -
2. Disneyland in 1955
The first versions of character costumes. -
3. Women Waiting in Line
Waiting for house to try and get the trial polio vaccine for their kids. -
4. Japanese Woman
On the wing of an American aircraft, occupied Japan, 1955. -
5. Sophia Loren
At a film festival in 1955. -
6. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Harrison of Jonesboro, Tenn
They had 13 children, all boys, making them the largest all-male American family in 1955. -
7. Public Shaming
Times Square, 1955. -
8. James Dean and Elizabeth Taylor
At the Texas State Fair in 1955. -
9. “My Grandmother”
At the pool, around 1955. -
10. Natalie Wood
On a boat ride, 1955. -
11. Coney Island, 1955
Hit the target and get your picture taken. -
12. Surprise!
A boy about to receive a puppy for his birthday, 1955. -
13. James Dean and Ursula Andress
At a nice dinner, 1955. -
14. Birthday Party
Full family, 1955. -
15. Times Square
New York City, August, 1955. -
16. Grace Kelly
On vacation in Jamaica, 1955. -
17. Watching a Football Game
In the bitter cold, 1955. -
18. Child in Barcelona
Photo by Ramón Masats, 1955. -
19. The Marquis Street Gang
Members hanging out, Newark, NJ, 1955. -
20. San Francisco
Teenagers in 1955. -
21. Child Strong-Girl, April
She was able to lift her whole family on her back, over 425 lbs. Muscle Beach California, 1955. -
22. MG Race
1955 spring rally, Pennsylvania. -
23. Princess Yvonne and Prince Alexander
In Germany, 1955. -
24. Skyline Camera Club Models
Waynesboro, Virginia, 1955. -
25. A Teacher
Explaining the new Polio vaccine to students, 1955. -
26. Mickey Mouse Club
Their first meeting in 1955.
- 25 Photos Of What Life Looked Like In The Year 1979
A Dude and His Bike
Looking cool in 1955.
Looking cool in 1955.