25 Scientific Facts That Left Us Astonished
We live in a pretty crazy world! All of these facts sound kind of insane at face value, but the science behind them actually checks out!
Published 1 year ago in Wow
We live in a pretty crazy world! All of these facts sound kind of insane at face value, but the science behind them actually checks out!
The world around us is full of all kinds of amazing creatures, strange landscapes, bizarre people, and much much more. Even with our hundreds of thousands of years on this planet, we haven't even come close to learning all the world has to offer.
We live in a pretty crazy world! All of these facts sound kind of insane at face value, but the science behind them actually checks out! -
There are some Ice Age animals that are so perfectly preserved in permafrost that scientists have been able to find them still with all their soft tissue, hair, and organs. They even found a couple mammoths that still had liquid blood in them and I remember one scientist even tasting the mammoth meat. - u/stitchmidda2 -
All matter literally gives off light, but we can only see a sliver of that spectrum (although we do have tools to help us see other spectrums).
Our bodies give off infrared, and are basically glowing in that portion of the spectrum similar to how iron glows to our normal vision when it’s heated. Something that sees a different spectrum than us might not see hot iron as glowing at the same temperatures we see iron glow at. - u/MadgoonOfficial -
Without the development of genuinely sci-fi travel technology like wormholes or hyperspace (which may not even be possible) 99.99+% of the universe will be forever locked off from us. Because of cosmic expansion, the various galactic clusters are moving away from our local cluster faster than we could ever catch up to them. - u/APeacefulWarrior -
I recently read about the Split-Brain experiments. There is a procedure for severe epilepsy that involves cutting the connecting nerves of the two brain hemispheres, resulting in the two hemispheres being unable to communicate with each other. The experiment shows that both halves can answer questions independently of each other, have seperate opinions/preferences, form memories independantly. Basically suggesting that there are two minds in the brain. That just blows my mind(s). - u/Mlinch