
27 Jokes and Memes That People Needed Explained to Them

r/PeterExplainsTheJoke is a place where people who just didn't get the joke can go to have it explained. Based on Family Guy, questions are posed as if the poster is Louis, asking her husband Peter to explain what's going on. But while these 27 folks needed help understanding a few punchlines, hopefully you're well-versed enough on the internet to appreciate them. 

GenZ humor can be particularly difficult for many of us older folks to understand. For example, you might have seen the TikTok screenshot with the caption, "When his name starts with a J and rhymes with one of the 50 states." Even if you know the connotation of "J names," you'll quickly realize that none of them rhyme with a state on their own. The meme really has no explanation, and is a good example of engagement bait combined with GenZ absurdism.  

Inversely, plenty of young people simply aren't cultured enough to understand jokes that relate to historical, intellectual, or geopolitical concepts. Take the cartoon here that shows a bartender asking the "My Wife and My Mother-in-Law" optical illusion for her ID. Young people and their short attention spans just aren't well-read enough to know about such things. 

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