
27 People Share the 'Dirty Little Secrets' That Made Them Stop Buying From Particular Companies

If you knew what was really going on behind the scenes, would you keep giving a business your hard-earned money? That's the decision that these people had to make when they discovered a service or company's "dirty little secret." And for them, the only decision was to boycott. 

It's well known that some of the most successful companies in the United States and the world are absolutely awful. Amazon, Walmart, and Nestle just to name a few. Horrible working conditions, child labor rumors, harmful political lobbying, and blatant human rights violations are just some of this group's collective crimes. Unfortunately, many of them are so ubiquitous that they're impossible to avoid. But everyone has a line they just won't cross, and some dirty secrets are just too much for people to stomach. 

For example, Nestle is well-documented for trying to privatize water. As the comedian Bill Burr once said about Nestle's CEO, "That guy should be hunt[ed] down and shot." For more than a few people in this gallery, Nestle was on their list of no-goes. 

Unfortunately, boycotting the big corporations won't do anything more than ease your own conscience. But avoiding small businesses because of personal beef? That just might work. Dan the toyshop owner seemed to be a specific target for one unsatisfied toy owner in this thread. Yeah, "F- you Dan!"

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