
27 Weird Things Kids Have Asked for From Mall Santas

Every year, many parents force their kids to meet fake Santas in shopping malls around the country. But even though those Santas don't have St. Nick's mythological powers, kids still ask these cosplayers what they want for Christmas. But children say the darnedest things, and that combined with the weird people middle America has to offer make for some great requests. These 27 mall Santas took to Ask Reddit and shared the strangest things they've ever been asked for. 

Not every kid wants a Lego Death Star or a Barbie Dream House, and some keep things much simpler. Two children on this list limited their requests to food-related items, with one asking for crustless bread, and another for fresh pancakes. Fortunately, both sets of parents were able to easily satisfy their kids, with one child now all grown up stating, "the bread was definitely the highlight of my Christmas. I got two loaves of crustless bread and I’m pretty sure I deleted them both in less than a week."

On the more awkward side, not every Santa can ensure the child gets what they want. Especially when the kid refuses to tell mom, and asks Santa exclusively for "makeup and some [chest development]." Aren't you a little young to be caring about such things while you still believe in a mythical man from the North Pole?

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