30 Interesting Facts That Some People Struggle To Comprehend
Nathan Johnson
Amusing and interesting information to cram inside your thinking cap.
If you're going to a party this weekend and need some facts to help make you more interesting, then look no further as these are guaranteed to make you far less boring.
Did you know that the Sun is loud, like really loud? Or that if you counted from one to a billion without stopping it would take you 31 years? Yeah, don't think you did. Well, pile your noggin with some fun info and don't say we never did nothing for ya.
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You can see your own nose. Your brain just ignores it. -
Cats don’t communicate to one another through meowing. Meowing isn’t cat speak. Cats developed their meows in order to communicate with humans (and get their attention/beg for food). -
Pineapples used to be so expensive and rare that rich people would RENT them for fancy parties as decorations. -
You will never find broccoli growing in the wild because it was developed through centuries of careful plant breeding. -
Crows have the intelligence of a 7 year old human child. They recognize faces, make tools, use currency amongst themselves, understand physics and are self aware. They've been seen doing things like dropping walnuts in intersections for cars to run over and waiting for the light to pick up the seeds from the street. -
There's a town in Japan with the grave of Jesus Christ. This is based on the story that Jesus travelled to Japan for the 12 years before his ascension to divinity. His brother, Isukiri, took his place on the cross and Jesus fled back to Japan, becoming a garlic farmer until his death of old age, married with 3 daughters. -
If you take a leech and put it in a maze, it will eventually find it's way around. If you take that leech, blend it and feed it to another leech, that leech will already know it's way around the maze. This is called chemical memory. -
Cows are really social animals and always have, at least, one friend. And we humans actually can become one of their friends. Resulting in us being able to train them and even being able to ride them and doing horse jumping with them. -
Counting non-stop, it would take you about 12 days to count to a million. It would take you 31 years to count to a billion. -
If sound could travel through space, the roar of the sun would be deafening even though it's 93M miles away. -
A word you can type on the top letter row of a standard keyboard is TYPEWRITER And the only word in the English language with 3 consecutive double letters is BOOKKEEPER. I'm a bookkeeper. -
Frogs can't keep their eyes open when eating food . When a frog swallows food, it pulls its eyes down into the roof of its mouth. The eyes helps push the food down its throat. -
We don’t know Albert Einstein’s last words, as he spoke them in German to a nurse who only knew English. -
Every "c" in the "Pacific Ocean" is pronounced differently. -
Baby Koalas get their immune systems by letting the mother Koala literally c**p in their mouths. -
Snails can sleep for 3 years. -
The Telletubbies are around 10 feet tall. -
Queue is just Q with 4 silent letters. -
I don’t know if it’s ridiculous but is definitely fascinating. ‘Dreamt’ is the only word in the English language that ends with ‘mt’. -
There exists a jellyfish by the name of Turritopsis dohrnii that can control its own aging process making it immortal. -
The Supreme Court in America has a basket ball court in the top floor and it’s called. You guessed it: the highest court in the land. -
Clouds can weigh millions of pounds, and snails have thousands of teeth. -
Someone booked a press conference at 4 seasons lawn care instead of 4 seasons the hotel. They then proceeded with the press conference anyway. -
The chainsaw was invented to aid with childbirth. -
The term for single pieces of confetti is confetto. -
Kangaroos can't hop backwards. If you're ever in a fight with a Kangaroo (looking at you Aussies)...just get behind him. -
Space is only 62 miles away. -
In the 1970’s there were about half as many people as there are today. -
If you properly shuffle a deck of playing cards odds are that the arrangement of those cards has never been seen, nor will be seen again. Another way of saying it.. there are 52 factorial (52!) ways if arranging a deck of cards....an impossibly large number. -
The number of the trees on earth is more than the number of the stars in the milky way.
- 22 Scandinavian Food Plates To Put In the Trash
You can see your own nose. Your brain just ignores it.