32 Funny Tweets From the Western Front
Recently, Twitter user @CaitCamelia posted a picture of her little sister's history assignment where her class was asked to write ten tweets from the perspective of a WWI soldier.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
"Y’all wanna hear a story about why me and this Archduke here fell out? It’s kinda long but full of suspense."
Recently, Twitter user @CaitCamelia posted a picture of her little sister's history assignment where her class was asked to write ten tweets from the perspective of a WWI soldier.
Since the dawn of internet blogging, students have been asked to create social media accounts for Shakespeare and the Dust Bowl Woman. (The Dust Bowl Woman has been subtweeting Dorothea Lange like crazy.) Some responded to @CaitCamelia’s tweet whining about the state of education while others locked in and gave these students the perfect tweets for their assignment.