35 Pics of Perfectly Preserved Classic Cars in Everyday Use – In Cuba
In 1962, the Unites States imposed a Cold War trade embargo on Cuba, making it virtually impossible for the country to import cars and automotive parts.
Published 3 months ago in Wow
In 2016, the United States changed many of its longstanding policies with Cuba, improving relations, and making tourist travel to the beautiful Caribbean island easier than it has ever been in our lifetimes. aND if you do choose to visit Cuba, you'll notice one thing right away; there are classic cars everywhere!
In 1962, the Unites States imposed a Cold War trade embargo on Cuba, making it virtually impossible for the country to import cars and automotive parts, (among many other things). Cubans had no choice but to take good care of, and keep driving their cars. Now, many of those classic cars have become prized family possessions.
The trade embargo has long since been lifted, but citizens who do want to purchase new cars often find it difficult. The Cuban government completely controls its automotive market, and understands the value the vintage cars bring to its tourism industry. Buying new cars in Cuba is intentionally difficult; a standard family car might cost $250,000 or more.
Although it's evil to intentionally withhold life-improving vehicles from citizens, Cuba's vintage cars give cities like Havana the magical feeling of being lost in time. Here are 35 awesome photos of those cars.