Friday Morning Randomness: 53 Cools Randoms to Complete Your Quest
Start your day with a laugh.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Thank God it's Friday! You done it again and made it to the end of a stressful work week. A celebration is in order, and here are a bunch of fun pics, memes, and tweets to help you do that. They'll keep you on your toes, give you a laugh, and remind you of a few current new stories all at the same time. Now quick, give them a look before your boss comes back!
Hopefully, you aren't going on a vacation this weekend, because even though the weather is finally starting to look like spring, getting on a plane is not what you want to be doing. It feels like there are new aviation incidents every single day, and you know it's bad when some websites let you search by aircraft type when booking flights. The offing of the Boeing whistleblower has proved the final straw for many people, and when the engineers who helped build their modern planes refuse to fly on them, you know something is seriously wrong.
Someone who definitely won't be flying anywhere this weekend is Andrew Tate, who has been arrested for the second time in Romania. As one of the world's worst and most negatively influential humans, it would be nice if they actually ring him up with something this time.
Here are memes and tweets on those stories, and plenty more. Happy Friday!