48 Fascinating Facts That Were Surgically Removed From Your Textbooks
Nathan Johnson
There is no excuse for not learning something new every day. Luckily for you, you have us to help you in this endeavor. Thankfully for us, we have the entire wealth of knowledge accumulated by the internet.
Sometimes it can be scary expanding your horizons, but fear not beacuse no fact here will give you knowledge you can't handle.
Did you know that in Scottland, Subway bread isn't considered "bread" but instead lumped into the "cake" category due to the amount of sugar that goes into making the loaves? Well, now you do.
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Irish Supreme Court doesn't classify Subway bread as bread, but instead as cake because of its sugar content. -
About Deborah Sampson. She disguised herself as a man so she could join the Continental Army and fight in the Revolutionary war. She was shot twice but fearing someone would find out her secret she removed one of the balls with a penknife and carried the other bullet in her leg her whole life. -
Of Alice Kober, who helped decipher an ancient script known as Linear B. Over 20 years, she meticulously recorded her research in a collection of 180,000 index cards. The script was deciphered in 1952, shortly after her death. It remains the only Bronze Age Aegean script that is readable now. -
William Wrigley initially offered free baking powder as a gift for his soap but the powder turned out to be more popular. He switched to selling the powder and added sticks of gum as a gift. The gum became incredibly popular thus forcing him to switch and became the world's leading gum company. -
That the "dumb" in dumbbells originally meant "mute". A "dumb" bell was a contraption used to train church bell ringers in the fine art of bell ringing without annoying the entire neighborhood. Later, because of the similarities in shape, the name was applied to certain exercise equipment. -
A 2013 survey, involving 1,081 doctors regarding advance end-of-life directives, found that 88.3% said they would choose do-not-resuscitate or "no code" orders for themselves. -
Many people hear voices and music in white noise. This is known as auditory pareidolia or “musical ear syndrome.” -
About 100,000 people died each year in India due to the collapse of vulture populations. Vultures were crucial to the ecosystem & their near extinction due to accidental poisoning extended the presence of animal carcasses in the local environment, increasing rabies & reducing water quality. -
That pro bowling balls have specially shaped "weight blocks" inside them to change how the ball curves. -
That 55% of YA readers are actually adults. -
There is a excerpt from John Adam's diary where he describes the time he had to share a tiny bed with Benjamin Franklin and, instead of sleeping, they had an argument about whether to keep the windows open or closed. Franklin eventually won the argument when Adams got too tired and fell asleep. -
That birds can get divorced. Over 90% of avian species form socially monogamous pair bonds, but they may end the bonds by 're-mating' with a different partner after so-called 'divorce'. Divorce rate increases with male promiscuity and migration distance. -
That Wimbledon umpires learn a vast array of swear words in many different languages in order to flag ,and subsequently fine, any athlete to break the no swearing rule. -
Horses went extinct in North America about 10,000 years ago. They were then reintroduced to the continent by the Spanish as early as the 1550s. -
Of the 5 known assassination attempts on Queen Elizabeth II, the one that came closest to succeeding was attempted by a 17-year-old New Zealander, who shot at her with a .22 calibre rifle, but missed so badly that nobody even realised shots were fired. -
The USA federal witness protection program has a 100% success rate for those who follow their guidelines. -
The name of Ishi, known as the 'last wild indian' is an adopted name. In the Yahi culture, he one cannot speak his own name until introduced by another Yahi. When asked his name, he said: "I have none, because there were no people to name me". -
Over 98% of Korean households have a special kimchi fridge -
North American porcupines love salt and are known to eat backpackers’ road salt-covered boots left outside tents. -
From the 1950s to 1970s, attempts were made at running bus services between London and India. The trip took about 50 days, cost about $100, and buses are said to have included private bunks and even a kitchen. -
That due to very poor consumer reviews and negative media attention in 2014, Haribo discontinued sugar free gummy bears. The gummy bears contained maltitol, a sugar alcohol that is not fully digestible and that ferments in the gut. It can cause increased flatulence, loose stools, and diarrhea. -
That camouflage clothing is illegal for civilians in several countries. -
That WHAM-O's Slip N' Slide is not supposed to be used by persons over the age of 12. There have been rare instances (and lawsuits) of adults breaking their necks while using it and in 1993, the U.S. CPSC warned that the slide might cause permanent spinal cord injury to teens and adults. -
Grasshopper are nearly 200 million years older than grass. -
That famed scientist George Washington Carver had a respiratory infection in his youth which him with an unusually high pitched voice that “startled all who met him.” -
The first and last fatalities of building the Hoover Dam were a father and his son. They died on the same day, 14 years apart. -
That there are over two dozen universities in the U.S. that have their own nuclear reactors. -
That Titan’s surface organics surpass oil reserves on Earth. Saturn’s moon Titan has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, according to Cassini data. -
The Old London Bridge was crowded with houses and shops, some of them reaching up to 6 storeys in height. -
That the world’s largest kidney stone, removed from a patient in Sri Lanka, weighed 1.67 lbs (757.5g) and broke 2 world records. -
About "Cool Japan", a Japanese government initiative since 2010 that aims to promote Japan's attractiveness abroad. It does this by focusing on the aspects of Japanese culture that non-Japanese people find "cool" such as anime, games, cuisine etc. -
That China, by a large margin, consumes the most salt per citizen. -
Until 2001 workers at Disneyland had to wear "communal underwear" while in character because normal undies would bunch up and become visible. After several outbreaks of pubic lice, the performers got the Teamsters Union involved and Disney finally agreed to employees wearing their own underpants. -
Americans have a distinctive lean and it’s one of the first things the CIA trains operatives to fix. -
That the Beijing Weather Modification Office were enlisted by the Chinese government to ensure that the 2008 Summer Olympics were free of rain, by breaking up clouds headed towards the capital and forcing them to drop rain on outlying areas instead. -
There's a rare disorder called Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis, turning people's skin into tree-like bark with wart growths due to HPV. Also known as "Tree Man Illness," the disorder is inherited when an individual inherits one copy, from each parent, of a defective gene. -
About Kitty Fisher, who was famous for simply for being famous. In one incident, she fell off her horse while riding and exposed herself. Broadsheets & prints mocked her, but she seized the attention for herself by having her portrait painted by England's most prominent painter. -
The psychiatrist Henry Cotton would sometimes extract all of a patient's teeth as he believed infected teeth to be the cause of psychiatric disorders. If that didn't work, he'd remove testicles, ovaries, gall bladders, stomachs, spleens, cervixes and colons. -
That when Charles Guiteau bought the gun he would use to assassinate President Garfield, he chose one with a more expensive ivory handle, thinking it would look better in a museum. Though the gun was given to the Smithsonian, it has since been lost. -
George Washington prevented a military coup over unpaid back wages by putting on a pair of glasses to read a letter from Congress, explaining he was "almost blind in the service of my country.” Moved to tears, his officers compromised. -
That Otto Von Bismarck managed a posthumous snub of Wilhelm II, by having his own sarcophagus inscribed with the words, “A loyal German servant of Emperor Wilhelm I”. -
That "The Iodine State" was South Carolina's nickname in the 1930s and even on license plates, in an effort to promote the state's vegetables as having more healthy iodine than other other state's vegetables. -
That Tex-Mex has surpassed Italian as the most popular food genre in the United States. -
During his Flight School basketball camp in 2016, Michael Jordan was challenged by Chris Paul to a shooting drill where if Jordan missed three shots, the campers would all receive free Air Jordans. Jordan accepted and made every shot. -
The NASA plans to decomission the ISS by 2031, via controlled re-entry on the pacific ocean. -
That the Rambo lunchbox by Thermos in 1985 marked the end of the metal lunchbox era. Manufacturers switched to making lunchboxes with plastic because it was cheaper and because a group of mothers in Florida complained that metal lunchboxes were being used by children as weapons. -
That among all civilian jobs in in the US, workers spend on average more than 60% of their workday standing. -
Former NBA Star Dwight Howard Ate 5,500 Calories in Candy Every Day for a Decade. Howard was consuming the amount of sugar equivalent to 24 chocolate bars every day.
- 48 Fascinating Facts That Were Surgically Removed From Your Textbooks
Irish Supreme Court doesn't classify Subway bread as bread, but instead as cake because of its sugar content.