49 Funny Photos To Make Your Work Go Away
Set your mind free with a leisurely scroll.
Published 3 years ago in Funny
"Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life." Which is probably why so many people hate their jobs. Waking up before noon, clocking in for the same old same old, having to maintain some semblance of sanity for eight hours straight. "Work" doesn't exactly sell itself.
But then again, neither does starvation. Or death by exposure. Those two, in particular, are outcomes that few grow to ever enjoy. And so, we work.. We get the job done. Some of us get paid a lot for a little, little for a lot, or -- if you're our interns -- nothing at all.
But just because they have your body doesn't mean you have to give them your soul. Head to the bathroom, ready yourself for a paid dump, and set your mind free with a leisurely scroll through all the pictorial oddities our world has to offer.
But then again, neither does starvation. Or death by exposure. Those two, in particular, are outcomes that few grow to ever enjoy. And so, we work.. We get the job done. Some of us get paid a lot for a little, little for a lot, or -- if you're our interns -- nothing at all.
But just because they have your body doesn't mean you have to give them your soul. Head to the bathroom, ready yourself for a paid dump, and set your mind free with a leisurely scroll through all the pictorial oddities our world has to offer.