What's a hill that you're willing to die on?
Personally, I think that even though aliens are real, they've never been to Earth, nor are they likely to ever make it here. And I also think that anyone who believes differently is dumb or uninformed. Is that a controversial opinion?
25 people took to Ask Reddit and shared the hills they're willing to die on, and while I'm sure you agree with many points made here, are you ready to fight for them against broader society?
A sandwich shouldn’t go taller, but wider/longer when the desire for extra filling comes.
"Aesthetic" is not a synonym for "beautiful."
Headlights are too bright.
Missionary is a HOF position. Like a Honda Civic. Reliable, gets you where you need to go, almost never breaks down.
If you have the right of way at a four way stop and insist on waving me to go ahead, you’re the problem.
Coffee at dinner is comforting.
Starting investing early is more important than understanding how it works. Learning about risk tolerance just seems a lot more relevant and pressing when you actually have assets to allocate.
I think there is genuinely no way to play American football in a way that resembles the current game safely, and the NFL knows this. All they can do is make minor changes (most under the guise of 'player safety') and hope they can get through another generation before parents stop letting their kids play football.
If you add Fondant to food, it is now art and no longer food.
SUVs are pointless, and most people should just buy station wagons. 99% of SUVs are used the same as a station wagon or minivan.
Steve Jobs did not give the greatest commencement speech of all time. It was three no big deal stories about his life that culminated in the same follow-your-passion message given in 99% of commencement speeches. He said nothing new, nothing profound. The only reason people laud the speech is because Jobs gave it. If the speech had been delivered by anyone else it would’ve been forgotten minutes later.
The Oxford Comma. I will be out back, by the bike-racks, willing to discuss this in more detail with any interested parties.
The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode needs to air in October, not November. Reschedule the World Series games if necessary.
Social media makes us worse and we’d be better off without it.
No money donations or fundraising in American politics. At all levels. I am not a big brain so I can't hand out an absolute solution, but something along the lines of, “every politician/public servant gets $X amount of a stipend from the government and maybe X amount of TV time and THAT's IT.”
School breakfast and lunch needs to be free. Kids should never be in school hungry.
It doesn’t matter if you’re background, personality, or mental health status… if you’re mean, you’re mean.
Tipping culture is horrible and needs to end.
The NFL started long ago engineering the rules to create as much ambiguity in games as possible, for gambling action. They’ve also kowtowed to the fantasy football world too.
Single people and people without children have families too. I'm sick of jobs and honestly, a good amount of society expecting them to never spend holidays with their families and always pick up the slack at work when little Johnny gets sick.
Stay out of the Passing Lane unless you're actively passing cars. No matter how fast you think you are going.
Raisins hidden in food are hateful and unwelcome.
Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets, and chicken nuggets are meatballs.
You should not go above and beyond for the average job.
You can love animals, and still be a meat eater.