20 Assembly Line Memes Roasting Companies and Their Products
Why do so many companies make so much different stuff? The answer is always money.
Published 7 months ago in Funny
Whether you want to buy a piano, a golf cart, or an outboard motor, you might find yourself shopping with Yamaha. The Japanese company makes just about everything you can think of, most of it of decent quality, which leaves you asking the question... how? And why?
The "assembly line" meme format attempts to tackle that question, and versions of it are popping up all over the internet. The answer, of course, is money. Why does anyone do anything?
The meme shows a hypothetical assembly line worker questioning the new thing that has just come out of his machine. "I guess we're doing *blank* now" is quite applicable to a company like Texas Instruments, which makes both fancy calculators and laser-guided missiles. Government defense contract money is a powerful thing.
"Wait, both the triangles and circles have always fit into the money square hole?"
"Yep, they always have."