Australia Is Wider Than the Moon and 20 More Counterintuitive Facts
Daniel Bonfiglio
Yes, it is wider than the moon... at least when you make it flat, and leave the moon round.
Australia is big, but did you realize it was that big, and that the moon was that small?
If your mind exploded at that fact, you might want to check out this collection of 20 other tidbits that are just as counterintuitive, and just as fun.
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1. Pollution
If you live in a city, you typically pollute less than someone who lives in the countryside. -
2. Don't Break
If you're sliding on ice in a car, for the love of God, don't hit the brakes. -
3. If a Plane is Crashing Towards You, Run AT It
You can’t outrun the plane, but maybe you can beat it to the crash point. -
4. Being Drunk
Walking drunk is more dangerous mile for mile than driving drunk. For YOU anyway. -
5. Power
Coal burning power plants release more radioactivity to the environment than nuclear power plants. -
6. Seeing
If you’re in a low light situation, don’t look directly at what you want to see. The rod cells responsible for low-light vision are located at the edges of your retinas. -
7. Inside/Outside
The inside of your intestine is outside of your body. As is the entire tube that runs from your mouth to your “you know what.” -
8. Speed of Light
The speed of light is constant regardless of the viewer's perspective. Light emitted from something already moving at the speed of light, wouldn’t then go any faster. Hence, time dilation. -
9. Maine is the closest state to Africa
The Earth is curved, people. -
11. Cognitive Dissonance
To get someone to like you, have them do something nice for you, not the other way around. -
12. There are as Many Even Integers as There Are Integers
Infinity times two is no bigger than infinity. -
13. Blowing Your Nose Makes the Blockage Worse
The vibration inflames your sinuses and causes the restricted air flow. -
14. Rewards
Rewarding high performers creates lower output than rewarding an entire group equally for reaching a goal. -
15. Swiss Cheese
The more Swiss cheese you have, the more holes you have. The more holes you have, the less Swiss cheese you have. -
16. Brain Function
The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body and vice versa. -
17. Safety
It's safer to skydive than run a marathon. -
18. English
"Flammable" and "inflammable" are synonyms. -
19. Driving Safety
The removal of street signs often makes driving safer. The Autoban is also one of the safer highways in the world. -
20. e^iπ = -1
I can’t really explain this one to you, but apparently math nerds think it’s crazy. Euler's number, (≈2.7), raised to an imaginary number times pi equals negative one. -
- 45 Fascinating Photos from Our Fascinating World
If you live in a city, you typically pollute less than someone who lives in the countryside.
If you live in a city, you typically pollute less than someone who lives in the countryside.