Controlling Boss Makes Workers Get Approval for Mandatory Trainings; They Maliciously Comply
This controlling boss learned the hard way that there are some things she'd rather not be in charge of.
Published 5 months ago in Funny
This controlling boss learned the hard way that there are some things she'd rather not be in charge of.
One of the hardest skills to master in management positions is knowing when to step back and trust your employees to get the job done without your oversight. It's a tough step to make, especially if you've come from a place riddled with incompetence, but an important one if a workplace is to function at peak efficiency. Unfortunately for one employee of a public institution, his boss was yet to learn this skill.
As part of their job, all the institution's workers were required to complete "48 hours of mandatory continued training per three-year span." Typically, the employees were free to pursue this training as they saw fit, but that wasn't going to fly with the control freak boss, who wasn't a fan of some of the courses. So, she decided to make all 175 employees submit requests to her before taking a course. Despite the illegality of that command, our employee decided to spearhead compliance.
Soon, the boss was swamped by hundreds of requests for every single class, relevant or not. "Unfortunately at that precise point, there wasn't a yoga course available."