If we're being honest (so to speak), life is all about lying to ourselves. We get through the day by trying to ignore some really depressing facts.
Some facts, though,
we finally made peace with. Here are a few of the most depressing; have you made peace with all of these yet?
Sometimes people you care deeply about will choose to drop out of your life and all you can really do is have the grace to let them. -u/girlloss
No one is coming to help. -u/_meddlin_
There will be no cure for my spinal cord injury in my lifetime. It was initially very depressing to realize, but almost 3 years in I'm kind of okay with it.They should cure other stuff like ALS first, and if it has to be SCI related - cure the nerve pain, or the bowel/bladder stuff. The not walking is very low on my list of priorities personally.I'm aware of ongoing research but have no faith in any of it. We'd have to either revolutionize neurology or be very lucky. -u/cripple2493
Just because you think someone is "the one", doesn't mean they think you are. -u/ofsquire
I realized in therapy yesterday I'm only keeping myself alive out of a sense of obligation to others. That wasn't a fun realization. -u/mister_butlertron
Being alive is expensive. -u/kendawg710
I'm aging nonstop. -u/insaight
My childhood is gone, and I have no good memory from that phase of my life. -u/anonymoose_mrx
My depression is very likely chronic. I'll be living with it for the rest of my life. -u/SuperDurpPig
You can do everything perfectly and still fail completely.That and…People would rather leave you than own up to what they did and they’ll never even give you a second thought. Humans, turns out, are good at lying to themselves. -u/GarzysBBQWings
No matter how hard you love someone, they can fall out of love with you and there’s nothing you can do to fix it. Took me a lot of self-destruction and pain to realize it. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out. -u/texassadist
I’m a coward and it’s costing me. -u/Brianw-5902
I find it more comforting than depressing but some people will see it as the opposite. I'm entirely fine with being in no relationship. It's been almost a decade since the last one and I just don't see it as the priority that others do. I'm entirely fine with just having friends and colleagues. Hell I'm happy. I just wanna toss it out there because some people might find my reasoning to be helpful in deciding their life priorities. -u/PoorPDOP86
I'm likely destined for an average life. -u/EmperorKyoka
I will always fight my demons. There is no healing from it. -u/Regular_Perception_4
I'll never be comfortable financially. I have failed every attempt. I really did try. I promise you, I did. But nothings worked for me. I just have to accept it. -u/yamsnavas2
We are all loved conditionally. -u/psychwarddicaprio
The world doesn’t care if you’re a good person. Matter of fact, they’re preying on good people. -u/Cognac_Clinton
That one day I won’t be alive and neither will anybody I love. -u/HonestSapphireLion24
My "silent but deadly" farts aren't always as silent as I think they are. -u/s0apyjam
I'm going to have to commit suicide when I get too old/tired to continue working. I live check to check and will never have the savings for any kind of retirement. -u/Prince_Daeron
This is coming from a firefighter:If you have to perform CPR on them, it's most likely over for the patient.I'm not sure if I've made peace with it completely, but I've accepted it at least. -u/Rukhnul
That at the end of the day, the only one I can rely on is myself. -u/tonio0317
A friendship you thought would last forever can end in an instant. -u/Febreze4200