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These People Are The Epitome Of Stupid
- Funny, dumb, and WTF people that will make you...
24 Times Odd Things Happened
- And you thought you were having a bad day.
20 Examples Proving We Are Surrounded by Idiots
- They are everywhere!
Bank-Robbing Couple Busted After Ridiculous Facebook...
- John Mogan and Ashley Duboe were caught and charged...
Some Guy's Wolf Name is "Moon Moon."
- With a name like that, he'd have to be the derpiest...
14 Professional F*ckups People Got in Big Trouble For
- Looks like they found out who lied on their résumés.
25 Times People Weren't The Brightest
- Someone needs to lock these people in a library for 10...
36 Examples of Doing It Wrong
- What were they thinking?
18 Comical Facebook Failures
- These fails should make you chuckle.
15 TV Freeze Frames That Will Crack You Up
- freeze frame and LOL.
23 Stupid Posts That Will Make You Facepalm
- Social media posts will make you feel like a genius.
34 Awesome Pics For Your Viewing Pleasure
- Enjoy some awesome pics to get your day started right!
23 Hover Hands That Made Things Awkward
- The early warning signs of forever alone syndrome.
Instant Karma GIFs That'll Make Your Day
- 23 people getting exactly what they deserve.
17 People Caught Lying and Cheating
- Looks like someone got caught with their hand in the...
Guy Looking For Pot Texts The Wrong Person
- The consequences of this carelessness really bites him...
24 Weirdos Who Will Make You Cringe
- Weird, creepy and ridiculous people on social media.
15 Foolish Facebook Fails
- The stupidity never ends...
15 Victims Claimed By The Friend Zone
- Let's take a moment for our fallen comrades...
11 Waiters And Bartenders Share Awkward Date Stories
- It's good to see what level of awkwardness people are...
28 People Who Will Make You Cringe
- People who prove socializing isn't for everyone!
15 Ridiculous Facebook Fails
- Fails from Facebook that will make you laugh.
23 Examples of Bad Parenting Skills
- Just horribly bad parenting.
Redneck Riggings So Crazy They Might Work
- That'll do the job.
10 Dumb Things Stoners Do
- Dave Chappelle once said, "You have smoked yourself...
23 Choice Late Night Pics to Keep You Up!
- Awesome fun pictures for your pleasure...
19 Neckbeards And 'Nice Guys' Who Will Make You Cringe
- Guys taking asocial behavior to a whole new level.
How A Man Got Divorced On His Birthday
- An unfortunate series of events leads to a man losing...
23 Perverts Caught Looking
- It's hard to say you wasn't looking when you've been...
30 Pictures of People Caught Sleeping on The Job
- We've all had days like these.
20 Innocent Photos Turned Disturbing
- Cringeworthy photos that will make you thankful for...
28 Random Gifs For Your Viewing Pleasure
- Enjoy some awesome gifs to get your day started right!
18 Facebook Wins And Fails
- Facebook makes me wonder whether I even like any of my...
23 Impossibly Bad Drivers
- These rusty tools need to go back to Drivers Ed.
10 Incredible Stories About Waking Up
- we hope to start the day revitalized and refreshed,...
13 Roommates From Hell
- You will not believe what some people can do to a room.
Woman Offers Cops Oral Sex to Avoid Tickets
- Offering sexual favors to three different police...
13 Movie Secrets You May Have Missed
- Gifs of the secret movie moments that flew past you...
23 Mindless People On Facebook
- Facebook fails of utter stupidity.
eBaum's Picks