26 Hilarious Roommate Notes
- Sometimes a note is the best way to say things. But...
Media galleries
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16 Cats Who Regret Their Life Choices
- These cats may have made a few bad decisions.
Kids Who Need a Miracle to Make Adulthood
- Not really the sharpest knives in the drawer
19 Hilarious Facebook Wins and Horrid Fails
- Social media is where the dumb things live on forever.
15 Nightclubbers Who Should Be Embarrassed
- Maybe they would be better off with online dating?
21 Pics of the Cool, the Hilarious, and the Awesome
- Random internet goodies to round out a good day.
26 Deceptions That Probably Won't Work
- These tricks are designed for the dumbest people only.
32-Picture Photogasm to Start Your Day
- These random internet goodies will get you going on...
25 of the Weirdest Photobombs
- Some are stalker-level, some are facepalms, and some...
27 Random, Hilarious, and Awesome Things
- An assortment of pictures to fill your brain in a good...
11 People Getting Pantsed
- Classic prank that's been around since pants first hit...
14 Ways To Know You're Poor
- When you just don't have the money to pay for it...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
26 Randomly Awesome Images
- A collection of random images with a touch of Easter...
22 Photos Of The Instant It All Went Wrong
- 22 perfectly timed pictures that capture the second...
26 Hilarious Walking Dead Memes
- Season 5 is over but it's memory can live on with...
18 People Caught Having Fun at Work
- If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in...
13 People Who Didn't Think Things Through
- Sucks for them and their reasoning skills.
23 Clever Things for Your Consideration
- These all deserve a proper and rather enthusiastic...
9 Best Jokes From The Justin Bieber Roast
- The deepest cuts from the verbal lashing Justin Bieber...
WWE Photos Made Dirty With Brazzers Logo
- WWE superstars getting caught in compromising...
Don't April Fool Your Girlfriend Like This
- April Fools or not, it’s never a good idea to troll...
The Best Pickup Line in Tinder History
- This guy's witty conversation opener will make your...
Troll Friends With This Simple Text Message
- Here's a great prank that should make your friends...
20 Things That Are Painfully Obvious
- None of these things should come as a surprise to...
30 Instances Of "Close Enough"
- Photos of people who almost nailed it.... almost.
19 Tumbler Users Who Love Bad Puns
- When it comes to making terrible puns, no one is...
27 Unfortunate Business Names
- They may want to rethink these...
28 Super Amazeballs Pics!
- Hot, funny, childish, and wicked fun.
Bizarre Facebook Groups That Actually Exist
- 16 strange Facebook sub-culture for just about...
The Best Way To Handle A Creepy Pervert
- When a random guy sends you nudes and wants to hang...
A "Help Me, I Pooped My Pants" Situation... With A...
- A hilarious text message exchange about a crappy...
29 Twitter Wins
- The very best of Twitter, curated and presented to you...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
28 Ways to Tell You’re in the Ghetto
- If you see any of this stuff, then you are definitely...
22 Photos That Seem Totally Legit
- Somethings not quite right here...
24 April Fools Pranks That Were Taken to Epic...
- Some people take this foolishness too seriously. Or,...
Groupon Posted This to Facebook And The Comments Were...
- Facebook users have a field day with the "Banana...
Reaction GIFS Perfect For Everyday Life
- 30 hilarious gifs suitable for life's more trying...
21 Animals That Immediately Regretted Their Decisions
- Their sorrow is so adorable.
eBaum's Picks