18 Hilarious Things Spotted Happening In The Background
- A collection of funny things spotted in the background...
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15 Shower Thoughts Worth Contemplating
- Here are a few of the most insightful shower thoughts.
10 Disturbing, Filthy Images That Aren't Actually...
- These disturbing images are not what they appear to be.
27 Knockoffs That Will Cause Trust Issues
- These manufacturers believe "you gotta fake it, 'til...
16 Puns That Are So Bad, They're Good
- Some terrible puns that might still make you smile.
18 Facebook Typos That Ruin Everythong
- These folks prove, some typos are definitely worse...
Perfectly Timed Moments Before Disaster
- Pictures of unfortunate situations right before...
28 Reaction GIFs For Everyday Situations
- These reaction GIFs are the perfect way to handle...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
Crayola's Facebook Page Gets Hacked
- Someone posted some naughty things and parents were...
27 GIFs With Unexpected Endings
- Funny GIFs with endings you probably won't see coming.
20 People Who Are Just Pure Evil
- It's just not funny when it happens to you...
25 Subtitles That Are Absolutely Perfect
- Fitting captions and subtitles from television shows...
20 Examples Of "You're Doing It Right"
- Some people just know how things should be done.
20 Confessions of Crazy Things Adults Thought as Kids
- A collection of humorous confessions by adults from...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start the first week of the new year off with some...
16 Awkward Airplane Moments
- Funny, strange, and awkward happenings on airplanes.
35 Things That Are Giving Me Trust Issues
- Nothing is as it seems, is anyone telling the truth...
Funny Facebook Photo Comments Of 2014
- Here are some of the best comments to grace Facebook...
27 Examples of "You're Doing It Wrong"
- Keep it simple people...
8 Things That Are Just Too Clever
- These awesome lines were just perfect for that moment...
20 People Being a Little Too Honest
- These people believe that honesty is the best policy,...
31 Perfect Bits of Bathroom Graffiti
- Pearls of wisdom and hilarious one-liners immortalized...
Teacher Completes Drawings Left On Students Assignments
- A teacher decided to enhance their drawings with some...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
21 Bizarre Google Search Suggestions
- Not sure what you're looking for? Let google help!
29 Bumper Stickers You Don't See Everyday
- These clever bumper stickers make traffic a little...
This Man Has Mastered The Art Of Trolling
- Ken M's comments seem to bring out the best and the...
20 Things To Ponder In The Shower
- The shower is a great place to reflect and contemplate...
26 Guys With Photoshopped Girlfriends
- These guys should have plenty of time to become...
16 Criminally Bad Santas
- These not-so-nice Santas were all arrested while "on...
18 Pictures Taken At Just The Right Angle
- Sometimes the angle can make or break a photo.
27 Things That Are Impossible To Look Cool While Doing
- No matter how hard you try, you can't look cool doing...
They Do Things A Little Differently In Canada
- Funny and odd images courtesy of America's neighbors...
29 Men Who Didn't Handle Rejection Well
- With a simple "no," a woman can magically become fat,...
34 Amusing Facts To Entertain Your Brain
- More random but interesting facts to Indulge your...
The Best & Worst Snapchats Of The Year!
- Are these snapchats wins or fails? You be the judge.
27 Trashy Moments From the Intelligence-Deprived
- Trailers and Walmarts and dummies, oh my!
28 People's Names Turned Into Song Lyrics
- People on Facebook have no idea what others are doing...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
eBaum's Picks