Hump Day Pic Dump
- Funny, weird, and wtf images to make your mid-week...
Media galleries
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29 Stock Images With Funny Captions
- A sweet compilation of stock image humor treasures....
22 Faces Anyone Who Drinks Has Made
- Drunk faces everyone makes.
Medieval Reactions That Describe Your Life
- Spot on reactions from medieval art.
25 People Caught In The Act
- We all do things when no one is looking... or so we...
20 Pics That'll Actually Make You Say WTF
- Strange pictures that leave you at a loss for words.
23 Bars With Hilarious Names
- Have you ever had an ale in the "Bung Hole" or the...
24 Facebook Posts That'll Make You Smile
- Funny, fail, and WTF status updates people posted to...
12 Situations That Got Awkward in a Hurry
- Things got real uncomfortable all of a sudden.
12 People Trolled by Fake Customer Service
- Maybe these whiners had it coming.
20 Random Facts To Feed Your Brain
- Bits of random information to satisfy your curiosity.
22 Things That Are Not Easy to Argue With
- Stuff you'll have trouble building an argument against.
Fascinating Facts You Probably Didn't Know
- 21 things you can Impress your friends with.
24 People Taking Pictures or More Than They Thought
- When selfies go wrong. Way wrong.
20 Cheaters Who Got Exactly What Was Coming to Them
- Cheaters never prosper.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
Waitress Uses Clever Napkin Folding to Take Revenge on...
- This is the most impressive way to fold a napkin.
22 Pics to Improve Your Mood
- Funny, weird, and WTF pics to make your day more...
20 Celebrity Tattoos You Wouldn't Expect
- Everyone has their own heroes I guess...
29 Simple Yet Infuriating Things
- Stuff that will make you explode with rage, deep...
18 Shower Thoughts That Actually Make Sense
- Brilliant ideas and deep thoughts that are hard to...
15 Fabulous Facebook Wins and Fails
- Hilarious Facebook posts that will make you laugh.
Girl Live Tweets a Super Awkward First Date
- Ever been on a super awkward first date?
30 Kickass Weekend Images
- Some badass pics and GIFs to kick off your weekend.
27 Selfies Gone WRONG
- Mirrors can be tricky, be careful when taking selfies!
28 People on Tinder Who Will Make You Go WHOA!
- Strange, awkward, creepy and hilarious people on...
32 Ways To Cool Off During Summer
- Stay cool people!
20 Genius Stand-Up Jokes
- Get ready for a ton of laughs with these amazing...
25 Pics To Get Your Weekend Started Right
- Funny, weird, and WTF pics to make your weekend more...
27 Movie Endings That You Never Expected
- Alternate endings and extra's from popular Hollywood...
27 Pics To Improve Your Day
- A mix of pix to get you ready for the weekend!
Guy Receives A Mysterious Package
- A brother he hasn't talked to in years, who is...
10 Things Parents Actually Said to Teachers
- WTF quotes from the people raising tomorrow's...
Possibly The Best Yard Sale Find Ever
- Now that is what I call scoring big time!
20 Borderline Crazy People Who Are Clearly Starved For...
- Extreme body modifications.
13 Pics You Need to Look at Twice
- You may want to do some neck stretches to prepare for...
18 People Who Will Make You Cringe
- Not everyone has the whole socializing thing quite...
15 Liars Exposed On Tumblr
- These people took a chance on a little white lie.. and...
10 Things No Girl Can Deny
- Every girl can relate to these struggles.
14 Things That Can Make A Man Cry
- Various things that hit even the toughest of men,...
eBaum's Picks