
23 Boss and Manager Memes to Read By EOD

Your boss. Outside of your wife, they might be the most important person in your life, or at least the person with the most power to make it miserable. Why then, do so many of them seem intent on making everything so frustrating? They say those who can't do, teach, and I'd say those who can't do either, manage. 

Fortunately, there's an easy way to get back at your boss, and that's by clicking through this collection of boss and manager memes on company time. You spend all day looking at memes anyway, and these are the perfect ones to give you the motivation you need to stand up to your overbearing overlord... not that doing so is necessarily a great idea. 

Our bosses directly dictate our time on the clock, indirectly dictate our time off of it, and somehow have control over whether or not we eventually get to be paid more or less for the same amount of time and effort we're already putting in. It's an interesting system, but one we've subjected ourselves to for years. Oh well, nothing you can do about it now except stick it to them by scrolling through these boss and manager memes. 

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