Mid-Day Tweet Break: 30 Memes and Tweets to Get the Blood Pumping
We got new Mozart before GTA VI. Check out a few memes on that and more right here.
Published 4 months ago in Funny
Grand Theft Auto fans have been waiting for GTA VI for a long time. GTA V came out in 2013, and quite a lot has happened since then. A Malaysian plane infamously went missing, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge happened, (yes, it was that long ago), and the Cubs won a World Series.
We love to give GTA fans a hard time about things that came before the next installment in their favorite franchise, but no one could have predicted that GTA VI would lose out to Mozart dropping new tracks. That's right, young Wolfgang Amadeus, who has been dead since December of 1791, recently released a new 12-minute piece.
The fresh sheet music was just discovered in Germany's Leipzig library and has never been played for a modern audience. Unfortunately, neither has GTA VI.
Check out a few memes on Mozart's new music and more in this mid-day meme break.