20 Monday Work Memes to Ease the Pain
The weekend may be sadly over, but we have funny work-related memes to ease you into a long workweek.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
The weekend may be sadly over, but we have funny work-related memes to ease you into a long workweek.
Chili’s is testing new marketing strategies to get at all the overworked and exhausted people in their demographic by tweeting that everyone should clock out and get a margarita. It’s simple, yet effective. As if online job applications weren’t terrible enough, one Twitter user revealed that they were asked to draw a picture of an octopus fighting a pirate and attach it to their application. Not only do these job applications ask for a resume and then require you to re-type all the information from your resume again, but they also want you to draw and scan a document. This is too far! If a potential employer wants to gauge your art skills, they can call you for an interview and have crayons and paper available like a professional workplace.
Scroll down and see how one of Popeye’s locations ensures safety for all customers by letting them know that the staff is allowed to fight them. That specific location also requires at least one boxing and/or street fighting experience for all crew members.