28 Randoms To Totally End Your Day On
Have a click through of this mindless collection of random pics and memes to help you space out, and clear your mind for a nice deep sleep.
Published 5 months ago in Funny
It's virtually impossible to get through a normal day without ingesting a toxic load of negativity. But holding that negativity with you into bed time doesn't help anybody. Fortunately you can have a click through of this mindless collection of random pics and memes to help you space out, and clear your mind for a nice deep sleep.
One meme in this gallery references a study that suggests your pets can adopt the same mental problems that you have. While I'm sure that's true to some extent, I'd like the record to show that my insomnia is heavily linked to my cat's inability to stop knocking things over in the middle of the night. I'd love if he caught a little more of my sleepiness.
See that meme and more in this late night random collection to help you end your day.