
Should've Double Checked: 19 Funny Fails, Embarrassing Headlines, and Strange Pics

Is there a better way to make you feel good about yourself than laughing at the failure of others? This gallery of 19 embarrassing fails, funny headlines, and strange pics is designed to give you a feeling of superiority; because at least you didn't mess up like this. 

One unfortunate fail featured here comes in the form of a foreign exchange student picking the wrong school. Valerie Do, a 19-year-old from Vietnam thought she was about to start four years of summer fun and partying at the University of Miami. But when she began to look for housing in South Florida, she realized she'd made a massive mistake. The University of Miami that she had applied to, was actually Miami University... in Ohio. 

There could not be two more different places in the United States than Miami Florida and Oxford Ohio, and while I certainly feel bad for Valerie, at a certain point you have to own up to your mistake. There are numerous points in the college application process where this could have been caught. Fortunately, Valerie is happy with her school of choice thus far. 

See that, and 19 other embarrassing fails and funny headlines here. 

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