25 Slicked-Back Photos of Wannabe Japanese Greasers
Meet the Japanese cool kids keeping '50s trends alive and well.
Published 7 months ago in Wow
Though coiffed hair, leather jackets and crisp white t-shirts may most commonly be associated with '50s Halloween costumes, The Outsiders, and community productions of Grease, greaser culture is alive and thriving in Japan. For years, groups like the Tokyo Rockabilly Club have kept the trends of your grandpa's youth alive and well, dancing to rock 'n roll, watching classic American films and paying homage to not only iconic American greasers but also Kaminari zoku, a similar Japanese motorcycle culture dating back to the 1950s.
From speeding rides to the biggest pompadors you've ever seen, here are 25 slicked-back photos of wannabe Japanese greasers and their Kaminari zoku forefathers.