
Sunday Morning Randomness: 28 Randoms to Kickstart Your Day

Although it doesn't always feel like it, Sundays are just as much a part of the weekend as Saturdays. The key to a good Sunday is a distraction; something that allows you to enjoy your free time without reminding you that there's a full work week approaching fast. Fortunately, this roundup of fun pictures, memes, and tweets is exactly the kind of distraction I'm talking about, so get scrolling and have yourself a Sunday fun day.

Hollywood just can't seem to come up with any original ideas these days, and there is reportedly a Sims movie in the works. Video game to big screen adaptations have resulted in mixed products, just take the recent season of the Halo show as proof, but the Sims is a whole different animal. Those who love it really love it, and the rest of us only kind of know what's going on. With Margot Robbie producing it, there's a chance that it will follow the Barbie mold of toy to movie success, but this one might just be a little harder to pull off than the blonde doll. The real question is, will they speak in English, or Sims?

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