20 Certifiably Looney Headlines From the Weekend
In 2024, you have to personally inspect planes yourself if you want to make it to Reno, Nevada alive.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
In 2024, you have to personally inspect planes yourself if you want to make it to Reno, Nevada alive.
While serious political and global news has your attention, sometimes it’s great to look at the absurd. There are some truly oddball news headlines that you missed last week and we’re happy to get you filled in.
A Provo teen is facing charges for taping raw fish on ATMs. I guess that is one answer to the question; What do teens in Utah do? At a rock concert, someone decided to toss a pig's head into the pit. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that we don’t have pit etiquette anymore. You’re supposed to throw hands, not hams. Finally, a woman was stopped by police after they found over $2,500 worth of stolen Stanley Cups in her car. Hopefully, she will find that sentence as embarrassing to read as it was for me to type it out.
Scroll down and get all the loonie news you’ll need to be really cool in conversation.