Timing is Everything: 33 Perfect Pics Taken At The Right Second
James Lucas, @JamesLucasIT, is a photography enthusiast who loves sharing fantastic compilations of cool photography on his Twitter page.
Published 4 months ago in Ftw
James Lucas, @JamesLucasIT, is a photography enthusiast who loves sharing fantastic compilations of cool photography on his Twitter page. On Sunday, he posted a fantastic roundup of "Photographs taken in the right place at the right time, intentionally or by chance." Encouraging others to share the thread, we thought we'd do just that while sharing his page.
In this gallery, you'll find 30 awesome images taken at just the right time for an awesome perspective. Whether cool moments in nature, fantastic architecture, spiritual symbolism, or all of the above combined into one awesome moment, these fantastic photos are as striking as they are improbable.
This collection features many depictions of the sun and the moon, held up by figures like Jesus, Barack Obama, the desert, and Manhattan-henge. Photography allows us to see the beauty in the world around us, but this collection hints at what's possible just beyond it. Check out these awesome 30 photos that were taken in just the right place at just the right time to give a truly unique perspective.