It's easy to tell who the single children are. For those of us lucky enough to grow up with siblings we learned early on that the world does not revolve around us. Sadly, these 32 people, never learned that lesson, and we're paying the price for it.
Life is all about give and take. Sometimes you give and sometimes you take. And if you're someone who only takes and never gives, well, just know that the rest of us are judging you.
From people who don't know how to share space on an airplane to people who don't know how to park their car between the lines, the rest of us are cursed to deal with your nonsense and we're sick and tired of it.
"My Experience At The Taylor Swift Movie"
"The Bus Is Full And Multiple People Asked Her To Make Room And She Refused Because She Doesn’t Feel Safe Sitting Next To Other People"
"Posted Some Pics Of My Fiancé And Dogs, This Karen Who I Hadn’t Talked To In Over A Year Just Had To Make It About Her. And No I Did Not See Her Post"
"Person At Airport Unplugs ATM To Charge Their Phone"
"This Girl At The Airport Waits Until The Queue Moves All The Way Forward To Move. People Confronted Her And She Said “It’s The Same If I Move Now Or Later”"
"J#rk Tourists In Rosslyn Near Dc. Emergency Stopped Very Long Escalator With People On It During Rush Hour To Take Group Photo, Then Moved To Working Escalator. Needed Transit Worker To Explain Why That Was Wrong"
"It’s Almost As If Women Only Spaces Are Made For This Very Reason"
"The Bride Who's Wedding Cake Was A Life Size Version Of Herself Is Pretty Mc Behaviour"