Tuesday Morning Randomness: 46 Fun Randoms to Fill Your Time
If you did St. Patrick's Day right over the weekend, then you should just about be getting over the effects today.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
If you did St. Patrick's Day right over the weekend, then you should just about be getting over the effects today. Two straight days of partying hard can take a toll on anyone over the age of 22, so I know your head is hurting right now. If the usual Gatorade and egg yolk smoothie isn't getting it done, you can also take a quick scroll through these fun pics, memes, and tweets to cure your green hangover. At the very least they'll distract you from the throbbing.
The United States government is in the process of banning TikTok right now, and although it remains unclear if the bill will see its way through President Biden, the thought that the internet's most annoying app might go away is both a welcomed, and dreaded one. Congress thinks the app is collecting our data for China, and while that may or may not be true, I'm sure it's hardly the only thing providing a similar service. This is one time I'd rather the government take a back seat, and let me have the freedom to choose. If they're so worried about corporations taking advantage of us, there are a few other places I'd rather them start. Still, it will be funny to watch TikTok dancers try and integrate themselves back into normal society.