
19 Work Memes and Tweets for the Extended Bathroom Break

The universe made bathroom breaks for you to abuse them.

As this week drags along, you deserve a much-needed respite from all the stress and labor of work. We’ve gathered a bunch of funny tweets and memes for you to enjoy while hiding from your superiors. The bathroom was made to waste company time. It’d be insulting not to steal away a moment to relax and laugh at some hilarious memes.

We have Millennial coworkers trying to connect with their Gen Z counterparts and other coworkers bidding farewell to their freed brethren (they just put in their two-week notice). We are also recognizing Jacks everywhere who have had the most unfortunate online scheduling system situations every time they take time off. Being unemployed is rough these days with inflation and the unstable housing market but it’s even worse when you’re a baby applying for a passport.

Scroll down and giggle at all the memes making fun of your job. Sadly, you have to eventually go back to work but savor your fleeting moment of freedom while wasting company time. 

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