32 Cringe Lords Polluting Our Timelines
- No matter how dorky you are there is always some...
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40 Extremely Lazy People Who Annoy The Rest of Us
- How hard is it to clean up after yourself? Well,...
24 Pics of Roommate Crimes That Need to Be Prosecuted
- Call the roommate police, because it's time to move...
Hidden Home: 23 Low-Key Facts About Putin's Secret...
- The Kremlin doesn't want anybody seeing this.
Not Their Proudest Moment: 25 Wild Posts Packed to the...
- Well thanks captain obvious.
20 Doctors and Nurses Share the Worst July 4 Injuries...
- Everybody knows that fireworks are dangerous, but...
23 Times Our Palms Met Our Foreheads
- At least they can now get put in their place.
Monsters of History: 22 Bad People Who Did Evil Things
- Some terrible people who did some terrible things.
'I've Made a Huge Mistake' - 17 People Who Realized...
- The moment they knew they had made a huge mistake.
21 People Share Their Creepiest 'Let’s Get Out of...
- We've all had moments in life where something didn't...
22 Einsteins Living Life on Hard Mode
- As the great George Carlin once said, "Think of how...
26 Entitled People Who Think They're The Main Character
- Some people really like to press their luck.
32 Normal Things That Feel Like They Should Be Illegal
- A collection of things that made people feel like a...
11 People Share Times They Had to Deal With Entitled...
- Entitled people are all around us, and the more you...
16 Junkyard Engineers Who Made Their Own Cybertruck,...
- Check out these junkyard engineers and their homemade...
27 Pics and Memes to Remind You of How Old You Are
- Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look...
20 Delivery Drivers Who Went Above and Beyond the Call...
- It's not just the USPS that delivers rain or shine.
30 Stinky Supervisors and Bad Bosses Who Can Take This...
- They got shamed online.
29 People With Terrible Neighbors That No One Wants to...
- People who shared their neighbors that are the most...
28 Roasts and Clapbacks From Commenters Who Didn't...
- There is a lot to be angry about in the United States...
'Holy Toast': 29 Odd Places Saw the Face of God,...
- Either he really is all around us, or people are just...
20 Token Okies That Are At Best Texas Wannabes
- What is that thing between Colorado and Texas anyway?
20 Questionable 'Life Hacks' Nobody Needs Nor Asked...
- Why do any of these 'life hacks' even exist?
19 Cringe-Inducing Pics That a Neckbeard Tipped His...
- Some people have no self-awareness and no social...
20 Celebs Promoting Products You've Never Heard Of
- Most celebrities will take a pay day in exchange for...
21 Infuriating Things Employees Got Instead of Raises
- Employers will do just about anything except pay their...
22 Clueless Idiots Who Are Definitely Not Following...
- Like wearing a seat belt, most safety regulations feel...
20 Office Potlucks That Were Decidedly Unlucky
- Office potlucks are bad at the best of times, but...
22 Weird Pics Our Minds Can't Comprehend
- As smart as we think we are, we just can't understand...
38 Fascinating Photos of Things You Might Find...
- These might mesmerize you.
30 Hilarious Examples That Show Just How Weird Humans...
- These people live among us, we encounter them every...
21 Tats That Aren’t Just Bad, But Infected Too
- These people were rewarded for their bad ink decisions...
22 Cursed Pics We Don't Have An Explanation For
- Your guess is as good as ours.
29 Funny Fails and Photoshop Flops that Aren't Fooling...
- Check out this batch of pics showcasing people who...
17 Choosy Beggars and Entitled People Who Think The...
- Some people live in a world of their own imagination.
Who Greenlit This? - 24 Discontinued Products That...
- Products get discontinued every day. Usually, it's...
20 Savage Clapbacks and Comments That Smacked People...
- Sometimes people just need a good smackdown
33 People Having One Heck of a Bad Day
- Moments in life when things went from 0 to 100 really...
26 Random Pics of Presidents on Side Quests
- The president can't be the president all the time, and...
20 HR Employees Share the Spiciest Complaints They've...
- No matter how professional someone might appear on the...
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