27 People Who Fell Victim to a Savage Comment
- When going after your opponents online, it's best to...
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41 People Bringing Too Much Cringe to the Party
- Some people just can't help themselves.
27 People Entitled Beyond Belief
- You can always count on entitled people staking their...
38 Everyday Scams That People Really Don't Notice
- This stuff is so normalized, and that's exactly how...
47 Incredibly Awkward Easter Photos
- Prepare your little ones for Easter with this super...
27 Truly Terrifying Easter Bunnies
- Let's face it, there's nothing natural about a...
25 Facebook Posts that are Funny, Dumb, or Completely...
- Funny, crazy, and WTF posts people saw in their...
25 Things That Aged Like Spoiled Milk
- Predictions, quotes, and responses that turned out to...
36 WTF Pics That Are The Epitome of Cringe
- Get your motivation to exercise by walking off the...
Mundane Games Where You Essentially Work a Job
- Gaming has reached a new plateau where video games...
28 Internet Wins and Fails to Amuse Bored Minds
- They really nailed it.
Discouraging Moments That Made Us Rage Quit
- We all expect a challenge from games, but at a certain...
35 Poorly-Translated Movie Titles
- I'd say these qualify as a case of 'Engrish," wouldn't...
37 People Who Manage to Win and Fail at the Same Time
- Yep, that about sums it up.
13 Uncommonly Cool Versions of Common Things
- Things people stumbled upon in different places.
Religious People Fear for Their Lives over Satanic...
- There's only 666 pairs available, obviously.
24 Stupid Injuries People Wish They Had Avoided
- These are so funny it hurts.
32 Pics That Technically Aren't Wrong
- These are right in their own way.
21 Real Life Plot Twists People Never Saw Coming
- You never know when life's gonna throw you a major...
12 Unhinged Coworkers and Bosses More Toxic Than...
- People you don't want to work with.
18 Things Teachers Wish They Hadn't Seen Their...
- Well that was awkward.
ICYMI: PlayStation Stores Closing and Resident Evil...
- PlayStation is shuttering a number of online shops for...
15 Hit Video Game Franchises That Should Have Ended...
- Video games are a lot like movies. Once one of them...
39 Memes, Tweets and Pics Packed With Cool
- Take a break from the day and have a laugh with this...
18 Dumb Idiots Who Called 911 for the Absolutely Wrong...
- Some people need to learn to handle their own problems.
30 Times Being Poor Was More Expensive Than Being Rich
- Being poor can really suck.
20 Pics of Humanity at Its Most Annoying
- You can't handle these photos.
Resident Evil vs Silent Hill: Which Game is the Most...
- Two of the most iconic horror franchises in gaming...
20 Examples of Awful Things Done Well
- Thanks, I hate it.
12 Twisted Games That Never Should Have Been Released
- *Warning: Disturbing Themes* Sexual themes and...
15 Crazy Expensive and Useless Micro-transactions
- Firstly, let's conclude that Micro-transactions aren't...
26 Times Management Got Ridiculous
- This stuff would just make you quit.
15 Innocent Games With Dark Backstories
- Most video game stories are pretty simple. Stomp the...
32 Women Share the Worst Thing Said to Them at Work
- These work environments are more toxic than a nuclear...
15 Weird Facts About Wario Often Overlooked
- Wario is one of Nintendo’s most iconic characters....
30 Life Hacks That Might Work but Are Too Dumb to Try
- Think twice before trying out any of these pro life...
31 Crazy Things People Tried Selling Online
- What is wrong with people?
Insiders Reveal Secret Tricks of Their Trades That...
- Because knowledge is power!
20 Crazy Neighbors You Might Not Want to Live Near
- Hilarious and weird neighborhood drama.
46 Real Good Funny Pics and Memes
- More comedy than you could shake a stick at.
eBaum's Picks