You've Been Promoted to Customer: 24 of the Worst Thing An Employee Did to Get Themselves Fired
These folks were getting axed no matter where they worked.
Published 9 months ago in Funny
Depending on where you work, your job security leash might be longer or shorter. Some places will ax you at a moment's notice, while others will let you run rough-shot over everything before even giving you a warning. But when it came to these 24 people, they were getting fired no matter where they worked. We've posted collections of employees sharing the worst way one of their coworkers got fired, but now it's the managers' turn. From managers themselves, here are the worst things an employee has done to get themselves fired.
The fast food industry is stereotypically a place where less reliable employees find jobs, and this list doesn't do anything to dispel that narrative. One popular fast food joint required their cashiers to periodically transfer money into a safe to prevent theft as sales racked up. However, one day a new cashier failed to adhere to that protocol and walked out of the store with thousands of pocketed dollars instead. The theft was quickly discovered, but the man wasn't. It turned out he had operated under a false identity the entire time, and the police were unable to figure out his true identity.