Dude Drives Presenter Crazy With His Prank Calls
- Somehow, this guy keeps getting through after prank...
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Guy Brutally Trolls a Gold Digger on Tinder
- He wanted help with his finances, so he took to tinder.
Folks Hilariously Troll Their Fathers About Car...
- People have taken to telling pops that they put the...
Man Pranks Strip Club as a 6-Year-Old Boy
- Hilarious dude confuses the poor lady on the phone.
Wife Rages at Husband's Custom Flower Display
- Dude got her good.
Prank Caller Relentlessly Torments Chain Store...
- The YouTuber took his comedy to the phone lines.
A Scientologist Texted The Wrong Number And Got...
- This girl took full advantage of the situation when...
This Dad Thought He Wouldn’t Fall For His...
- She hilariously trolls her dad.
Kid Gets Exactly What He Deserves for Christmas and...
- If you're gonna act up all year, you're gonna pay for...
Polite Son's Heartwarming Reaction to a Prank Gift on...
- His parents played a funny prank on him and he...
Snowman on the Street Scares The Crap out of People...
- I've been waiting all year for this!
16 Incredible Gag Gifts for You Last Minute Shoppers
- Christmas is coming up fast, but there's still time to...
'Jewelry Stealing' Prank Is The Newest Viral Sensation...
- This seemingly dangerous prank in China where a woman...
Husband Gets Revenge on Wife After Getting Scared by...
- His Fiance bought a big Santa statue last week that...
24 Texts Shutting Down Thirsty Exes
- No one wants it to go down like this. But we've all...
Little Girl Pulls Epic Prank On Brother
- Little Sister Devises Savage Prank To Get Bully Older...
Funny Roller Coaster Prank Has People Scared for Their...
- Oh excuse me, did this bolt just come out of your seat?
Guy Pulls Fart Spray Prank on His Brother Twice and...
- From the uploader: "I filmed my brother after spraying...
Mom Texts Wrong Number And Gets Taken For A Wild Ride
- She just couldn't let it go.
Car vs Excavator Ends in Instant Karma
- Two guys attacked an old excavator operator because he...
The Scary Snowman Makes a Halloween Appearance to...
- Unsuspecting people walking down the street get a...
Lady Scared the Bajeebus Out of Kids With Her Crazy...
- This family went above and beyond to give out candy.
Prankster Gets His Friends Good with Firecrackers and...
- It could have been such a quiet evening.
Girl's Attempt at Punching Bag Game Does Not Go Well
- This dude was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Man Farting Through a Chocolate Fountain Will Make...
- These dudes from Pasadena, California figured that the...
Police Officer Pulls Painful Prank on Coworkers
- She even had me going there for a bit
Fellow Workers Prank Welder into Catching All the...
- This welder was told he would be taking a test the day...
Halloween Prankster Instantly Regrets His Job Choice
- When the customer you scared, scares you back!
Amateur Pilot Fakes Engine Failure For Marriage...
- Nothing like convincing your girlfriend she's about to...
Guy Gets Painfully Pranked By Friends
- He brought a water bottle to a water jug fight
Giant Teddy Bear Revenge Prank Goes Bad Fast
- Lady lays into her boyfriend after a prank that was...
Alligator Freaks Out River Floaters
- These guys decided to prank tubers going down the...
Hilarious Tape Measure Trick is a Work Site Classic
- This guy never saw it coming.
Guy Scares People With a Remote Controlled Shark
- Get out of the water, there's a shark!
Telling Arizona Residents Their Town Is Getting A...
- Sasha Cohen trolls the citizens of Kingman, Arizona...
"Old Man" Hilariously Trolls the Sh*t Out Of People
- World renowned prankster Jack Vale is back at it again!
Wild Birthday Celebration Takes an Unexpected Turn
- When it's your birthday and your friends hate you.
Free Guitar Ad Was an Elaborate Ruse
- Picky douchebag gets trolled hard for acting like he's...
Girl Takes Down Confederate Flag in Philly and...
- She wasn't having that shit.
Surprise Rat Prank on Grandma Backfires
- Nana handles it like a boss while the rest of the...
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