A-Hole of a Man Pushes Photographer into a Lake with...
- The photographer was shooting along the edge of the...
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Fox Gets Duped by Animal Rights Activist Posing as...
- This morning an animal rights activist named Matt...
15 Misleading Packages Designed to Infuriate and Annoy
- Annual reminder that the USDA doesn't care about you...
24 Christmas Presents Trolling the Hell Out of People
- It doesn't matter if you believe in Santa Claus or...
50 Surprise Pics to Click for a Laugh
- It's not like you're really working anyway.
Porch Pirates and Package Thieves Meet the Glitterbomb...
- Christmas is just around the corner and this year...
29 Harsh Realities That Make Winter Unbearable
- Is it winter already? Huh. Guess so.
Shameless Writer Lied about PS5 Pro and Twitter Lost...
- No, the PS5 Pro is not coming anytime soon.
15 People Who Were a Little Too Big for Their Britches
- Liar, liar, plants for hire.
Scammers Lose Their Minds When Dude Trolling Them Buys...
- Professional Scammer Troll and Youtuber Kitboga has...
Chillest Australian Dude Ever Gives a Personal...
- Absolute bro!
Scalpers Are Selling PS5's and Xbox Series X's for...
- You can put a price on an Xbox, but you can't put a...
Walmart Employee Roasts Coworkers over PA System...
- She does what we all wish we had the balls to do.
DemAnon Is the Latest Conspiracy That's Totally Real...
- This is the political version of giving "crazy eyes"...
Dad Plays Simple But Evil Prank on Daughters Playing...
- And that was the day his kids found Jesus.
33 Classic Randoms to Make Time Move Faster
- Enjoy a fresh batch of cool, funny, and wtf pics to...
30 Small Things People Do to Drive Retail Workers...
- Annoying things customers should avoid doing.
38 Radical Randoms with a Funny Perspective
- Here's something to laugh about.
Dude Spots a Cop and a Huge Puddle and Takes His Shot
- An officer casually walking down the sidewalk gets...
Birthday Girl is the "Victim" of a WTF Birthday...
- What a waste of cake! This poor woman thought her...
17 Guests Who Had Horrible Behavior
- If you do any of these things, don't come to my house.
African Shaman Interrupts a ZOOM Prayer Service
- The African Rebel is back to spread the gospel. This...
German Dude Makes Virtual Traffic Jams on Google Maps...
- He got entire roads in his path to empty out as...
Homeowners' Monetary Fine on Door Knockers Is...
- Can't argue with results like these.
48 Fascinating Photos to Pass the Time With
- Fun pics to spend your time scrolling.
10 Most Important Glitches in Video Game History
- Mistakes just as amazing as the games they were in.
16 Incompetent People Who Were Hired and Quickly Fired
- A good firing story is always worth a click.
10 Video Game Urban Legends That Were Actually True
- These tall tales were the real deal.
Karl Urban Talks About Pranking Viggo Mortensen
- At the 2019 Fanexpo in Toronto Canada, "The Boys"...
How to Cheat at 'Among Us' like a Pro and Not Get...
- You might actually get caught but that's OK.
Husband Hilariously Scares Wife Over the Course of Six...
- They say laughter is the best medicine, but his wife...
18 Incriminating Company Secrets Employees Weren't...
- They got hold of some spicy stuff.
'Call of Duty' Glitch Makes Guy Completely Invisible,...
- Those new camouflage suits are somethin' else.
Vigilante Gamer Flips the Script on Cheaters with...
- Cheating is finally funny again.
Employee Loves Giving His Boss Reasons to Fire Him
- This guy must be good at his job, because pulling...
30 Funny Pics and Clever Memes We Enjoyed This Week
- Stuff to get you through.
Safety Swan Snaps a Mask Right Back on Lady's Face
- Safety first! Wear a mask! Stay away from swans!
Guy Installs a Motion Activated Sprinkler System to...
- He was sick and tired of tourists and locals using his...
Undercover Cop Attempts to Solicit Drugs On Facebook...
- He saw the post and showed up to sell some flowers but...
29 Dirty but Funny Texts Only Guys Would Send
- You can't unsee or unsend these.
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