Gas Truck Explodes and Goes Flying Like a Rocket
- Gas power, meet rocket power.
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Truck Randomly Explodes As It’s Being Unloaded by...
- Talk about a bad day on the job.
Oh Cool, Another SpaceX Rocket Exploded
- Everyone get your brooms out, time to clean up more...
Cruise Ship Tilts, Sends Everything Flying
- Nature occasionally gets its revenge.
Arsonists Burn Tesla Showroom to the Ground
- Sources say the cars were “trying to drive.”
Truck Dumping Gravel Kills Itself, Sends Driver...
- RIP in peace.
Dude Trying to Jump Snow Pile in Car Accidentally...
- Who could’ve expected that (besides everybody...
26 Pieces of Futuristic Technology from the Past
- Go back to when robots weren't used to steal your data.
Driver Confuses Pedals, Plows Car Straight Into...
- If you mix up the pedals on your own car, maybe you...
Woman Lights Cig While Pumping Gas, and the Expected...
- Fire and gasoline mix really, really well — which is...
Man Filming Crazy Driver Captures Said Crazy Driver...
- From his camera roll directly to the insurance claim.
Watch a Man Fire a Homemade Rocket Launcher
- This is why you don’t use a closed tube for your...
The Girandola May Be the Coolest Firework Ever
- There are some places that just do fireworks better...
Here’s What It’s Like to Get Hit With the...
- It’s pretty bad.
New Parking Enforcement Robot Just Picks Up Your Car...
- This could be worse.
23 Lethal Thingamajigs People Threw Together in their...
- The only thing more powerful than the force of human...
Convoy Very Nearly Falls Off Bridge
- They’re not supposed to do that.
25 Cybertruck Crashes We Hope Aren't Metaphors
- Does the Cybertruck look cool? No.
25 Car Mods That Cannot Be Street Legal
- Not everyone is a qualified mechanic.
This New ‘Flying Car’ Is Hideous Looking
- Wow, this sucks!
China Has Their Own BB-8, Except It Fires Tear Gas
- Well, this feels dystopian.
Man Intentionally Blows Up His Whole House
- Andrew McCubin, 57, was recently found to have...
Motorcyclist Gets Knocked Into Tomorrow by Oncoming Car
- He was flying down the road; now he’s flying through...
Fireworks Store Lights Up, Causing Several Explosions
- It’s the last thing you want to happen at a...
26 3D Printed Organs Putting Donors Out of Business
- Our robot overlords will look just like us.
Woman Narrowly Misses Being Sandwiched Between Two Cars
- Every year, about 1.19 million people die in road...
18 Times Humans Looked to Nature to Create Better...
- The world around us can serve as the inspiration for...
Toll Booth in Colombia Gets Blown Up in Apparent...
- The attack is one of several that have occurred in the...
Man Single-Handedly Takes on Mattress Industry With...
- Every once in a while, a hero emerges.
Streamers Smash Straight Through Building While Live
- It happened yet again.
Failed Cook Lighting Gas Stove Lights Whole House Up...
- And people say these things are dangerous.
Woman Shows What Your Throat Looks Like When You Cough
- Fascinating, but gross.
The Insane Way They Used to Oil Roller Coasters
- Keeping you safe by putting themselves in incredible...
Dude Very Casually Stops Woman from Stealing His Car
- Hey, do you mind *not* doing that?
Singer Gets a Face Full of Fire After Standing Right...
- If you can’t handle the heat, get off the stage.
Driver Shows Why You Don’t Speed in the Fog
- You gotta keep it slow if you can’t see.
They’re Rebelling: Humanoid Robot Attacks Woman at...
- This may be the beginning of the end.
Man Turns Himself Into Firework Disco Ball, Shoots...
- With friends like these…
Dude Trying to Run from Cops Gets Hit By a Car and...
- Well, that couldn’t have gone much worse.
‘Thank God It Didn’t Smash My Big TV’: Woman Has...
- She’s in good spirits about the whole thing.
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