Man Gets Hunted Down by Another Driver
- This is why you should get a dash cam.
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Man Watching Drift Gets Slammed by Flying Cone
- Drifting isn’t just dangerous for the driver.
(Another) Twitch Streamer Crashes Their Car While...
- I’m calling for a total and complete shutdown on...
SpaceX’s Starship Fails, But Provides Pretty Cool...
- You gotta find a silver lining in times like these.
Car Rolls Backwards Off Hill and Onto Other Cars
- Good luck scraping the tire tracks off your roof!
Vintage Video Shows People Arguing Against...
- No drinking and driving *and* you have to wear a...
20 Fresh '70s Street Racing Scene Pics
- Back when real American men modded their own Mustangs,...
Cell Phone Suddenly Explodes While Man Is Working on It
- It’s not supposed to do that, I don’t think.
Man Listening to 'You Gonna Die' Song Crashes His Car
- At least he didn’t die.
There’s Nothing These Guys Won’t Throw With a...
- Everything *including* the kitchen sink.
Irish Student Does Adorable Phrenology Science Fair...
- Measuring skull shapes, but make it okay!
NASA Has Captured What It’s Like to Fly Into the Sun
- It looks unpleasant, tbh.
Whoops, Another Guy Had His Car Hit by a Train
- We just can’t learn.
Fan Balloon Travel is Wholly Impractical and Really,...
- I cannot think of a single time this would be...
Somebody Threw a BB Grenade in a Sushi Restaurant
- Now why would you do that?
Here’s What It’s Like to Be Under a...
- As the fires rage on in California, firefighters are...
This Video-Synced Fleshlight is How We’ll Jerk It in...
- Nobody wants to work anymore—not even to jack...
Another Car Has Crashed Into a Store
- Enough of this! Save it for the rest of the year!
China’s New Car Can Literally Jump Over Potholes
- They’re taking cues from Mario Kart, it seems.
10 Inventions That Were Stolen Ideas
- The real inventors behind iconic devices
Girl Abandons Porsche As It Drives Into a Wall
- Eh, she can just get another one.
Watch a Driver Decide to Stop Driving Drunk
- It’s the right move.
Dude Drifts on Airport Tarmac, Smashes Into Car
- At least it wasn’t a plane.
Dude is Really Sick of Cars Crashing Into His House
- He’s tried everything, too.
Dude Stops Road Rage by Turning Off His Lights
- As a car driver, you have incredible power over...
Man Destroys His Car to Avoid Being Towed
- He should have just accepted the tow.
Man Loses Weight, Develops Bizarre, Alien-Like Muscle...
- This is one of the side effects of weight loss that...
Watch the Japanese Demolish a Building from the Bottom...
- Have they not heard of “just blowing the thing up”?
Driver Narrowly Avoids Becoming a Pancake
- Well, that was close.
10 Cars That Are Barely Street Legal
- Just because something is highly engineered and...
Infamous Early 20th Century Daredevil Shows Off His...
- Well… What did we learn here?
Man Drives Car Into Convenience Store, Steals...
- He’s been caught (obviously).
Motorcyclist Slides Under Car to Avoid Being Hit
- Motorcyclists are a different breed.
The Highlights and Lowlights of CES 2025
- The Consumer Electronics Show was this week, and all...
Semitruck Driver Plows Through Another Semitruck’s...
- The accident killed two people.
Cop Takes Dude’s Firework, Makes Situation Worse,...
- In fairness, I don’t know what I’d do in this...
Japanese Citizens React to Seeing High Speed Mag-Lev...
- At least we have Amtrak, right?
World’s Worst Intersection Has Drivers Speeding from...
- Pay your city planners, folks.
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